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Old 07-13-2017, 11:11 AM   #223
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: A Woman of Chayil: Far Above Rubies by Jane Carole Anderson

Correction/s to my previous posts

I misquoted Jane previously and would like to apologize for my mistake and make the necessary corrections.

Nell: As I said "...She (Jane) also noted that nowhere does the Scripture say that God put Eve out of the garden."

Correction: This should be credited to Bushnell (Kindle loc 1102). Jane was careful not to state this speculation as her own in the book. It’s only a possibility and food for thought, and because it was not necessary to make the main argument.

Nell: Further, as Jane has theorized, Eve chose to follow Adam out of the Garden.

Correction: Again, this was Bushnell’s theory, not Jane’s.

Two quotes from the book:
In Chayil: "The word 'turning' in Genesis 3:16 reveals that it was Eve's choice to 'turn' from God to Adam. This reference to her turning to Him maymean that she was not driven out of the garden with Adam, but that she chose to follow him out. Regardless, in this verse, God was warning Eve that, because of her turning to Adam, Adam would rule over her.” (bold added)


"Whether she went out of the garden of her own volition or not, it is clear that God saw her turning away from Him to Adam and warned her of the danger of doing this.”

I apologize to everyone for my mistake/s.

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