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Old 06-19-2017, 11:14 AM   #485
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Default Re: The Unique Move of God

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
And a Jew who prefers to stay in New York should not complain about a Jew who moves to Israel and calls himself a member of the nation of Israel.

And a Christian who chooses to remain in one of thousands of Christian assemblies in New York city should not complain about the 100 that choose to stand on the ground of the church in New York City.

But some do.


The issue is not whether 100 people can "stand as the church in New York."

The issue is those people's claim that doing so puts them in better stead with God than those who don't.

The nation of Israel argument sounds good until you realize that it doesn't map to any reality the Bible tells us to observe. Nowhere does the Bible tell us to meet as the church in the city nor to "stand" as the church in the city nor to compare either to the nation of Israel--let alone inform us that doing any of those things will put us in better stead with God.

So arguing about it is like arguing about things in the Star Wars universe. E.g.: Can an Acklay defeat a Gorog? It only matters if the Star Wars universe is real enough to you for it to matter. But it has no connection to actual reality except in the way in borrows from reality to create a fictional one. That's all the nation of Israel argument does.

The church in the city according to the LCM is a fictional reality. I'm sure fans of Gorogs have very logical arguments in defense of believing Gorogs can defeat Acklays. But in actual fact there are no Gorogs and there are no Acklays and the point is moot.
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