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Old 06-15-2017, 08:39 PM   #447
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 524
Default Re: The Unique Move of God

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
Okay, having read the thread when I said "join the LSM", I now see the problem.

If you read my post carefully, I said:

I think the experience of most who join the LSM from denominations

Did you see how I said "from denominations"? So clearly I was not saying the LSM is a denomination. So I was being true to my nondenominational beliefs. It is your confirmation bias that read the "join the LSM" part and did not consider the "from denominations" part. You jumped to conclusion and thought I am betraying my beliefs and tacitly accepting it. And I realize that my confirmation bias has accused you of being denominational when I can see that you are not. For that I apologize.

Now, strictly speaking I should not have said LSM because that is a ministry.
To address your question about LSM being a ministry, well, we had lengthy discussions about that here:

Why did I say "join the LSM". Well, if I always referred to us as the local church, then every time I said that people would point out that I'm actually in a denomination called LCM, LSM, or LC. In that thread everyone was referring to the LC/LSM interchangeably.

So rather than explain myself every time in a few paragraphs about how the LCM, LC is not a denomination or an organization and that LSM is a ministry and the difference between a church and a ministry, I would rather just go with the flow and address the topic at hand.

Many on here refer to the local churches as the LC or the Local Church.
Whether you call it that, or LCM, or LSM or LC, to me makes no difference, if we truly believed we are the local church in the city. It is all referring to us as a denomination or organization, which I disagree with, but I see no need to press the issue in every discussion.

I say "us" for your benefit, not mine. I still believe you to be part of the church in the city, despite your denominational or nondenominational affiliation. But if you are meeting in a denomination then clearly there is an "us" and a "you" point of difference. For example, I do not believe that a person can stay at home on a Sunday for example and claim to be "meeting with the local church", just because they are one of many Christians in the city. If you are a Jehovah Witness or Catholic why would I include you and pretend you are part of the same church (practically) as me ? To say that all believers in the city are the church, is not to say "let's pretend that every denomination is part of the church".

Names - names are important, to God, and biblically, names have a significant place in Scripture. Names are also important in families. A wife will take her husbands name. A husband would get upset if the wife took another mans name. Names, trademarks etc, are also important in the business and marketing world, companies spend a lot of money developing and protecting names. Given all that, consider, that names for God's church may be more important than you realize. I will give an extreme example, some churches call themselves LGBT church. I think that would be upsetting to God, even if all members were not actually LGBT, the name has meaning.

Here is the irony and the hypocrisy - many take issue with us calling ourselves the local church in the city, but have no issue with 100 churches in the city calling themselves whatever they like. That is the very definition of denominationalism. The word denomination comes from the word de-name-iate.
So, you are not going to retract your statement and apologize to me?
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