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Old 06-14-2017, 02:19 AM   #96
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: A Plague Upon Denominationalism!

Evangelical, actually I have made the point here, repeatedly, that Protestantism with its "me and my Bible" too easily becomes "me and my vision" and becomes "me and those I've duped". And I put Witness Lee (LC) and Joseph Smith (LDS) together, at least somewhat in this regard.

Regarding Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, my reference to the killing fields was ill-chosen and I apologize. I meant spiritually-speaking, of course, but that likely didn't come across.

So I'll leave it with the other comparison: phenomenon B (Marxism) bases itself on a critique of the ills of phenomenon A (Capitalism) which preceded it. But its proposed solution is worse, even if the critique had some merit. Such is Leeism v/v denominationism.

I know you'll reply something like, "Neither denominationism nor Leeism but Christ." But the Christ I met in the LC bore little resemblance to the Christ seen in the NT. Christ's closest confidant and chief spokesman summarized His ministry by saying, "He went around doing good." The LC would rather pore over the home-made theology of its founder. "But doctors and lawyers do good", you might reply. Then, why believe at all? Just be a lawyer and get your ticket punched.

And Lee's home-brewed theology is directly responsible for the craziness that followed behind it. Repetetive shouting (thus the name), paranoia, secrecy, control issues, and simplistic slogans foisted upon an ignorant and superstitious populace. At one point Lee publicly claimed 20 million shouters. Then, 'pouf' - all gone.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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