Re: What ever happened to Max Rappaport, John Ingells?
Hi everyone. My name is Jessica and I am one of Max Rapoport's daughters. My daughter was doing a search on her grandpa's name out of curiosity and came across this thread. I feel to add to it for posterity sake so that someone who actually was there and knew him has a voice in this conversation. There are many speculations as well as half-truths and downright liesregarding my father. No one really needs to speculate because my father was his own worst critic and always owned up to his mistakes. He is passed on now and when he died had no unforgiveness or ill will towards anyone. He continue to serve the Lord every single day of his life until the day he died. He is a wonderful example of God's grace, mercy and redemption. The whole "local church experience" affected our parents obviously negatively at first because people were praying for our deaths and harassing us. As a child the things that stood out to me the most were having paint thrown at our door, threatening phone calls, and being told by friends that they weren't allowed to play with us because we "were at the devil" . These were "my experiences " after we left the LC I am so grateful to God that he liberated my parents from that organization because I know of what has happened to the children about their members and their families and often times these are sad stories to hear. Our family stayed intact and my parents continue to serve the Lord . These two things are their greatest achievements in my book. Furthermore, all of their children have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ another great achievement which they have always been so grateful to the Lord for. It is a free country with free speech but I do ask that if you are going to speak about my parents, keep in mind that their grandchildren and great grandchildren and so on will read these comments possibly some day. So please only speak about your own experience and don't suppose about what you didn't personally experience. Thank you so much and May Jesus bless you all.