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Old 06-13-2017, 06:56 AM   #90
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Default Re: A Plague Upon Denominationalism!

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
To say that my comparison (which was not actually a comparison, but pointing out an exception) is worse than Aron's comparison of the Recover to Pol Pot is not rational, because Pol Pot was a mass murderer, worse than Hitler, and Westboro baptist is an example of a baptist church to avoid.
You base your opinion on the extreme situation of the example provided.

It was probably a poor analogy for its purpose because of its tendency to ring the ad Hitlerium bell (mention Hitler and the discussion is destroyed). But the purpose of the comparison is very valid. It was not the extreme of either that makes it accurate, but the change on a downward trend. Except for the viewpoint of the reader, it could have been like saying from Bush to Obama (for a Republican) or Obama to Trump (for a Democrat). There are many examples, but like the two I provide, not all agree on the direction of the trend. And many of them are not known by most people. So the appeal of a better-know example is understood.

While not irrelevant, the point aron made was not to state that anyone was like Pol Pot, but to indicate a clear comparison/trend of bad to worse with the worse pointing at the bad of the former.

Your example was to imply that Baptists churches are effectively like Westboro. aron did not say the "Recovery" is like Pol Pot other than to suggest that it was part of a downward trend in terms of the very things that it trumpets as its foundational traits. Primarily unity and stance for oneness. Lots of talk. Less reality of it than what they came from.

It could be that you really just don't understand how different the two are, or you are willful in it and know how wrong it is. In the first, it establishes that you are out of your depth. Playing Chess with a Checkers mentality. Alternately you are just wandering through the forum dropping nonsense cloaked in the terminology of intelligence to befuddle those who have not had a chance to think about it yet.
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