Originally Posted by OBW
While I would not agree with the characterization, your comparison was worse. Aron's was intended to make a comparison of someone bad being driven out by someone worse as they herald the bad of the old group. Using such an extreme group as a comparison is a problem because it tends to suggest that the thing it is put up against is just as severe.
I would agree that it is not. But the type of comparison is arguably valid.
But you didn't do what aron did (or you are not smart enough to know that you didn't). When the statement was to join with an evangelical group, like almost any Baptist group, to dig out the example of one that would have its claim to the name "Baptist" removed years ago if the Baptists were actually a denomination as you so like to gripe at. But they are not. They are an association by choice of the assembly, not the group. So they are sort of stuck with Westboro.
Therefore your example is not "like what aron did." It is markedly different, without any actual, metaphorical, or other truthful comparison.
To say that my comparison (which was not actually a comparison, but pointing out an exception) is worse than Aron's comparison of the Recover to Pol Pot is not rational, because Pol Pot was a mass murderer, worse than Hitler, and Westboro baptist is an example of a baptist church to avoid.
A rational person would consider comparison to a mass murder to be far worse than a single example of a controlling hateful church.
Your statement "your comparison was worse", shows you do not have a rational mind that can realize that a mass murderer killing millions of people is worse than Westboro baptist. Even if I had said that all baptist churches are like Westboro (which I did not, and know they are not), it would be better comparison than comparing a "Local Church denomination" to a mass murderer.
Now if Aron had compared the Recovery to Hitler or the Nazis I am sure it would touch the emotions of many here. If he wrote that in a newspaper as a journalist he probably would lose his job.
Now Pol Pot was many times worse than Hitler, so Aron was comparing the Recovery to someone worse than Hitler. A comparison to Pol Pot is far worse than referencing one example of a Baptist church that is one that we probably should not attend. In fact it is probably worse than anything we say about denominations being degraded and fallen, which itself was nothing worse than Spurgeon said about denominations. We would never compare them to a mass murderer.
Your post contains some factual inaccuracies about my post. Firstly, I did not really make a comparison as you say because I made reference to one baptist church one may not like to join. I never said all baptists are like Westboro baptist because it is common knowledge that they are not. Aron could have said "give me a
good baptist church", to rule out Westboro, not "give me a baptist church", as if to imply that all baptist churches are great churches to join. So my reference to Westboro was to highlight that just joining a baptist because they are baptist does not guarantee anything.