Originally Posted by OBW
Only a troll would constantly come up with the one bad apple. You have to really be an idiot to think that Westboro is representative of the vast majority of any denomination or other group of churches. You sidekick constantly denies that there is fear involved. But it is clear that you want to imply that the singular worst possible example of a supposed church is representative of anyone other than the few that darken its doors and a broad scattering of individuals that can't find anyone else of like mind to meet with. Hardly a reasonable reply.
Your reputation as simply interjecting nonsense and bad will really says a lot about your spiritual training. (None discernible)
You take issue with me referencing Westboro baptist, but you don't say anything about Aron comparing the Recovery to Marx and Pol Pot (a mass murderer)- what Aron said seems like interjecting nonsense to me, and also reveals your bias.