Originally Posted by Evangelical
I am a little confused because you seem to believe the LC is a denomination and treat it as one. A local church member would not normally say "I am a member of the LC".
The teaching of Witness Lee is clear - we are not a denomination, or a movement, we are just the church in the locality.
Everyone in the local churches that I know never refer to ourselves as the LC or Local Churches, just Christians in the locality.
You will not find Witness Lee refer to us as the "Local Churches" either.
The "Local Church", or "Local Church Movement", or LCM, is how outsiders refer to us, not insiders.
Let's get another opinion - Drake?
Please don't waste time on this useless argument. You know what I mean well. You don't need to speak for me. I have said it previously and I will say it again. The LC is not different from denomination.
I don't use the term "we are in the Lord's Recovery". I think this is bearing false witness.
I don't use the term "we are just the church in the locality" because other denominations are also part the church in the locaility. It is not specific to the group of people who only study Witness Lee's teachings.
Hope I have expressed my view clear enough. Please also be reminded that this thread is not about discussion of denominationalism.