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Old 06-09-2017, 08:39 AM   #54
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Default Re: A Plague Upon Denominationalism!

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
It is the fact that Jesus and the 12 disciples never denominated themselves into groups of 3 and 4, which is the proof that God is against denominations. That Jesus never condemned the Pharisees and Sadduccees for naming themselves is not proof that God is OKAY with denominations.
But Jesus did send them out 2 by 2. Each one a separate pair moving through the region. Each with difference experiences.

But the logic leap that they were never denominated — which you distill down to not having a name — does not prove anything about what God thinks about it. That was a lie perpetrated by Lee. The fact is that the scriptures make no comment concerning God's opinion about what you call a denomination. So you have no basis to claim the God either likes or dislikes them. It is pure presumption to say otherwise.

It is clear that when one says they don't need the other then there is a problem. A little brother pointed that out, reminding us of Paul's words.

And despite your claims otherwise, the Sadducees and Pharisees were the religious leaders of the day and they were, by name, the separate camps of the day. And despite some pretty significant differences of opinion on certain teachings, they seemed to be getting along pretty well whenever they were referred to in the Gospels. You say that because they were also political that their names did not make them Jewish denominations. Are you really that dense? Are you so determined to dismiss every bit of evidence against your "God hates denominations" position that you will essentially claim a position that a third grader could see was faulty?

Talk about confirmation bias. But then, it doesn't fall far from the tree. Even Nee did this when trying to prove his ground of the church. He had to declare that the house churches couldn't be what they would seem to be because it would violate the one-church-per-city rule. Using the rule that needs to be proved to establish that evidence against it must be false or misunderstood.
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