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Old 06-08-2017, 05:13 AM   #42
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Default Re: A Plague Upon Denominationalism!

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
Exactly, hate the system, not the person. Although, we may "hate" the false brethren, as these cannot be considered Christians, or Christians in name only. If we say we "hate" the idolaters in the Catholic Church for example, we may be speaking of the person, but we are not speaking of brethren but of enemies. Therefore it is not "animosity toward other Christians". However, some cannot make that distinction, and think everything negative said about a denomination or even a country, is an attack on them personally. Some of these same people (and I have no one on this forum in mind, just a general observation), proclaim that a church is the people, and not the denomination...but they take offense when you say something negative about the denomination as if it were the people.
This saying, "hate the system, love the person" may sound good to you in theory, but let me assure you that hate will win, especially when constantly under the ministry of condemnation in the LC's. Also, how can you say that all idolators are enemies and not brothers or sisters?

LSM taught me to critique everything about Christians, from the way they sing, pray, worship, and serve to the teachings and principles they believe and live by. There was nothing to be esteemed about fellow Christians ouside the LC. With such an endlessly critical heart, how can anyone say they hate their system but love their brother?

It's just like me saying that I love my wife, but I hate her attitudes, I hate the way she cooks, all the things she does, the way she communicates, the things she loves, the way she dresses, the music she listens to, etc. Sure I love my wife, I just hate her system!

Love is not this way, neither does this describe the love of the New Covenant.
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