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Old 06-07-2017, 07:06 PM   #40
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 297
Default Re: A Plague Upon Denominationalism!

Thanks for your reply bro. Ohio. I am happy to hear that those issues (and ours) were positively solved.
Concerning the Brethren or any other subject, I try to read primary sources more than trust second hand accounts. It is like reading the Bible from cover to cover as many time as possible so not to fall prey of Its critics.

OBW: "Like I challenged Evangelical before, can you defend any of the animosity toward other Christians in the light of the command to love one another?"

I cannot nor will defend any animosity toward other Christians.
I already stated in a previous post to you:

"The bone of contention under this thread is denominationalism. Spurgeon was not against other Christians (at least in that quotations), neither am I. This was never in question when I started this thread. This is the second time you raised the issue so I just wanted to make clear my position. When I see a brother, regardless of his denominational “color”, I am happy to see a brother in Christ."

With this is the third time. I hope it is enough.

I also have to briefly reply to aron. I suggest you read again Spurgeon's words. He was blaming the systems not the Christians in them. If he was "cursing" believers in the different denominations, well he himself was under his own curse being a part of the Baptist church. How many times I read Ohio (and others) saying that despites the fact that he "hates" the LSM and/or LRC system he loves the dear saints in it?

Like Ohio I prefer short posts. Sometimes I just hint to my longer reply. This may cause misunderstandings. I might say more in other posts.
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