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Old 06-05-2017, 07:05 PM   #29
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 297
Default Re: A Plague Upon Denominationalism!

Ohio, you did not respond to my post.

Let's recap.

A plague upon denominationalism! There should be but one denomination: we
should be denominated by the name of Christ, as the wife is named by her husband’s
name. As long as the church of Christ has to say, “My right arm is Episcopalian, and
my left arm is Wesleyan, and my right foot is Baptist, and my left foot is
Presbyterian or Congregational,” she is not ready for the marriage. She will be ready
when she has washed out these stains, when all her members have “one Lord, one
faith, one baptism.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

What do you think about this statement?

Ohio: “Having seen the rotten fruit up close, Spurgeon was a fierce critic of Darby Exclusivism.

It's likely that quote was in response to their attacks on him.”

TAT: “Ohio, your deductive reasoning seems to be very inadequate, to say the least. Try again, you might be more lucky the next time.”

TAT: “This second deduction requires more imagination or simply the assumption that Spurgeon suffered some sort of skizophrenia. Why would he attack Episcopalian, Wesleyan, Baptist, Presbyterian and Congregationalist and forget to mention the Brethren?”

You are only defending your assertion that “Spurgeon was a fierce critic of Darby Exclusivism”. I didn't ask you to prove this. I asked to prove your deduction: “It's likely that quote was in response to their attacks on him.”

How do you know the article you posted was written by Spurgeon? Is this another of your deductions
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