Re: Time Frame in the LSM/LC
Yes to what Finallyprettyok said. A childhood in the LC was very different to say the least. I was always the "odd one" in school. You know how we had to wear dresses (down or below the knees) everyday because pants were "wordly". Back then bell bottoms were the style and no one wore dresses but me.
I always loved going to my grandparents house to visit because I could watch TV, of course we didnt have one (also wordly).
I was never close to my parents, as a young child there were meetings pretty much every night of the week. Sunday night Lords Table, Wed night Prayer mtg., Friday night regular meeeting, Saturday night Love Feast. Pretty sure there was Young Peoples Meeting Monday night (for the college age attendees). During those meetings we were left at another members houses, then woken up and taken to our own home to finish out the night. (Didnt make for the best rest for young children). Of course the parents justified it as for the Lord, and besides we were kids and fell back to sleep, nothing like being woken up out of REM sleep. (Yes, there is bitterness in between the lines, or not so in between) This was my life. (Of course for the sisters taking turns babysitting, I'm sure this schedule was not piece of cake, and meant their own children and families suffered from the intrusion and spouses/fathers gone from the home.)
We always had sisters living with us, lastly near a college in Dallas, SMU, which most have probably heard of. They lived upstairs and we all shared one bathroom. If I remember correctly there were at times up to 5 Sisters in the house. Again, quit a destraction for the family unit. Needless to say, as a child and as an adult, quite a bit of resentment there for never really having a close family. To this day, I'm very uncomfortable when it comes to family. I'm not close to my siblings, have no relationship with my parents and actually have trouble trusting and getting close to anyone. Please be aware, this is my experience, and not meant to upset anyone.
I agree with Joanne, as an adult the Lord has been faithful in His love to me. He did indeed put me in Hawaii. (Wish I'd known back then that was going to be my reward for all I was going through.)
Enough for now, with love.