Originally Posted by SpeakersCorner
I agree with everything in your post except the part quoted above. I'm not sure that suffering is "evil." It is, as you said, a product of something else like a symptom is of a disease. The disease I'll accept as evil but the sympton ... isn't it actually sometimes a good thing? Pain, for instance, signals we need to take care of something.
Tony Dungee, Indy Colts coach (until recently), has a son who doesn't sense pain like the rest of us. He has said that because of his experience with his son he now realizes the necessity of pain.
I see your point and I concede it. Maybe C.S. Lewis said it best. He said something like, If there are pains in heaven we should rush to embrace them, and if there are joys in hell we should flee from them in horror.
Perhaps the "pain" in heaven is simply more giving up, more coming out, of ourselves for the sake of others, much like the Father and the Son give up for the sake of the other.
However, I also can't get around the fact that pain and suffering are not good in and of themselves, they are only good in that they are useful to achieve a purpose. No one wants pain for its own sake.