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Old 04-17-2017, 05:19 AM   #17
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 297
Default Re: A Plague Upon Denominationalism!

Let me break the quotations under this thread in 2 parts.

A plague upon denominationalism! There should be but one denomination: we
should be denominated by the name of Christ, as the wife is named by her husband’sname.

Question 1: Do you agree that there should be but one denomination by taking only the name of Christ, like a wife is named by her husband's name? If you disagree, would you please explain why?

As long as the church of Christ has to say, “My right arm is Episcopalian, and
my left arm is Wesleyan, and my right foot is Baptist, and my left foot is
Presbyterian or Congregational,” she is not ready for the marriage. She will be ready
when she has washed out these stains, when all her members have “one Lord, one
faith, one baptism.”

[B]Question 2: Do you agree that the Church will be ready for the marriage only if she has washed the stains of denominationalism? If you disagree, would you please explain why?[B]

I am not interested in your guessing or speculations. What I appreciate is your opinion supported by logical arguments and/or Bible verses. Thank you in advance.
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