Originally Posted by UntoHim
My friend Evangelical, thou dost protest too much, methinks. You're preaching to the choir my boy, or should I say, against the choir. In any event, your claim that the Local Church of Witness Lee is not a denomination is not only insulting our intelligence, it's supposing that we have none at all.
Who's name is on EVERY message? Who is the author of EVERY outline? Who's name is associated with a great majority of the Hymns in the hymnal? The Local Church is most certainly a denomination, and it is a denomination of the most divisive kind - one which is based upon the person of a mere man and NOT on the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
See, you are just confirming my previous statement:
"The problem with denominational people, is that they try so hard to find ways to consider you as being in a denomination, instead of heeding Spurgeon's or Witness Lee's words, and trying to remove the stain of denominational-ism that afflicts them. "
You are so focused on stating or proving that "we are of Witness Lee" that you do not focus on the real problem here which is the stain of denominationalism.
You have said before "I will build My Church" the issue is you don't know where that Church actually is, or which group of people today is actually the Church which God is building. And any group that attempts do be the "My Church", like we are, is automatically labelled as "just another denomination".