Re: A Plague Upon Denominationalism!
I think this is my third and last post to pre-preemptively address the matter of LC being a denomination and Spurgeons quote.
Spurgeon saw the truth and God's will concerning denominations in Christianity. Spurgeon however was a baptist, and did not understand that holding to a rigid view of infant baptism was itself a denominational concept.
There is a belief that baptists are the true Christians, a group of people outside of Catholicism and Orthodoxy who have stayed true to the apostles. I am not sure whether he believed in that or not. In any case, to denominate on the basis of baptism is not scriptural and is divisive.
Spurgeon also called himself a Calvinist. He said once "I am never ashamed to avow myself a Calvinist". Spurgeon reveals himself to be an unspiritual person as he fails Paul's instructions "I follow Paul, I follow Calvin" test.
Some have said that LC is a denomination. However they are not a denomination because they stand apart from the denominations.
Because people are so used to the denominational concepts, they have no concept of a church existing apart from and distinct from the denominations. No one can ever answer me when I ask them to point to where the true non-denominational church actually is. They often respond with some airy fairy concept of the body of Christ that is invisible and intangible. They cannot point to a single group of physical people on the Earth and say "they are the non-denominational body of Christ". They will not do that because as soon as they do that they are declaring that all the denominations and possibly the very one they attend themselves, are false. That is why they call LC a denomination.
To a denominational person, the LC may look just like another denomination. The problem with denominational people, is that they try so hard to find ways to consider you as being in a denomination, instead of heeding Spurgeon's or Witness Lee's words, and trying to remove the stain of denominational-ism that afflicts them.
They would be wise to heed Spurgeon's instructions "She will be ready when she has washed out these stains", and focus on washing out their stains than trying to name the LC as "just another body-part". "The wife is named by her husbands name concept" is a view shared by Spurgeon and Lee. As I have said many times before, if a wife takes another name, as denominations are, then it is a problem. A woman who takes a name other than that of her husband is an adulteress and to be an adulteress with the world is to be an enemy of God. Therefore denominations are not just stains but enemies of God. Romans 8:8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.