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Old 04-11-2017, 08:54 AM   #32
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Renton, Washington
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Default Re: Non-LC member dating an LC member--help!

Originally Posted by undisclosed location View Post
I would question why it was so important for me to be a part of it and why he wasn't willing to fellowship with the group of believers I fellowship with.
What it comes down to is LSM publications is considered essential for fellowship. It's not about what assembly you meet with on Sunday mornings. For years I hosted a home meeting in my home and the brothers who came met with various assemblies on Sunday mornings. We all shared the life of Christ in us and coming together in the Word.
In my experience I have invited a brother I knew from the LC, a cousin I knew from the LC. Since the fellowship was not a LC home meeting, it's was as if saying, "thanks, but no thanks".
The Church in Los Angeles 1971-1972 Phoenix 1972-1973 Albuquerque 1973-1975 Anaheim 1976-1979 San Bernardino 1979-1986 Bellevue 1993-2000 Renton 2009-2011
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