A plague upon denominationalism! There should be but one denomination: we
should be denominated by the name of Christ,
Are not denominatons man made?
We are more than being 'denominated'. Christ is in us, in our spirit transforming our stinking thinking, renewing our mind by His Holy Spirit. Christianity, a man made religion may be denominated by the Name of Christ but many do not have Christ living and residing in their spirits.
The scriptures do not talk about us being denominated by the name of Christ. The scriptures talk about a true believer having Christ IN them, the Hope of Glory, that one day, (soon I believe) all true Blood washed believers will have Glorified bodies.
I myself am sooooo looking forward to that Glorious moment when in the twinkling of an eye I will be changed from this corruptible body into my incorruptible body, from this mortal body into my immortal, sinless body for all eternity.
From Evangelical:
I agree with the point that the denominations are a stain on Christianity.
Taking the denominations out of the equation, let's say there are no denominations whatsoever, no Baptists, Pentecostals etc... are you saying here that the LC/LSM is now the embodiment of Christianity?
Keep in mind you said denominations are a stain on Christianity. Just looking for some clarification here.