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Old 02-14-2009, 07:30 AM   #140
Suannehill's Avatar
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Location: North of Mansfield Ohio
Posts: 165
Default Re: Mansfield

Thanks for posting the outcome.

We all know the truth about Mansfield...even those who lied.

Damage is done.

Sometimes, I do wonder though if they thought out ANY of the spiritual implications of what they were doing...

They cut off the vibrant ones and fully expected things to be the same...even better. Or did they believe it would be like "it was in the 60's?
From the little I see and hear it seems they thought it WOULD be like the living, refreshing 60's.
They have behaved arrogantly (at best) toward most folks here.
That is not a spiritual posture.

Then there's the verse about gaining the whole world...

We gave them all that they wanted, and have not molested them in any fashion.
These are just random thoughts.

My most intimate feelings are between me and the Lord.

So...thanks to all of those that have listened to me, prayed with and for us and offered advice.

There won't be much to post here now that we gave them exactly what they wanted.
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