Originally Posted by kisstheson
"Not by gain our life is measured,
But by what we've lost 'tis scored;
'Tis not how much wine is drunken,
But how much has been outpoured.
For the strength of love e'er standeth
In the sacrifice we bear;
He who has the greatest suff'ring
Ever has the most to share."
Dear KTS,
I've long felt this hymn (and Nee for that matter) was a little too masochistic (for lack of a better word) in his view, to an unhealthy extent. I think the emphasis should on giving and serving, not experiencing pain. I would reword it as follows. What do you think?
"Not by gain our life is measured,
But by what we've given 'tis scored;
'Tis not how much wine is drunken,
But how much has been outpoured.
For the strength of love e'er standeth
In the sacrifice we bear;
He who knows the greatest serving
Ever has the most to share."