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Old 02-13-2009, 06:11 AM   #147
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: ground of locality and generality

The LC claimed to have the best collection of doctrines ever. They claimed to have a treasure comparable to no other. So what did they do with this "treasure?" Did they try to bless others with it? No, they used it to prop up their identity as "God's best."
And that is when the Presence of God leaves...the anointing of the Holy Spirit, that is the Power of God..leaves. When people prop themselves like a Peacock showing off its feathers, the Blessing of God is removed.

Rather than condescend and try to minister to a world which they must have though dearly needed what they had, they became self-enclosed and self-serving, and still are.
Exactly...It's all about what 'Brother Lee' wrote and saw. Hello? Does God not reveal His WORD to His servants of today? If WE ALL studied the Word of God, built our relationship and Fellowship with HIM through the Word, the anointing, the Power of God, the Love of God would spill body would point to any one 'church'. For we would all be One just as the Son is ONE with the Father.

Why couldn't the LC try to share the truth of oneness in locality with the rest of Christians?

I think they more wanted to maintain control of the movement and define it under their terms. They didn't want to lose their culture. They liked their identity as a remnant, as something special.
Exactly. That is why the LC's terminology is different from most Christians'. That's why they 'looked' different..especially in the 70s. Many of the older die-hard saints still do.

Igzy...I like the way you think! Good job in explaining your thoughts!
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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