Originally Posted by tasteslikegold
I'd be glad to start such a thread with my question to you as the lead-off. However, I am confused as to which may be the most appropriate forum. Perhaps Fellowship Hall?
Hi TLG.. and everyone ...WHEW! I had a close call with my PC today. It almost crashed! Thankfully, I have a computer savvy brother who walked me through "dis-infecting" the viruses that sneaked in!
Just like the enemy.......when you least expect him..he rears his ugly head.
........back to topic...
I looked at the different sub forums..and thought this 'apologetics' sub-forum is still appropriate....since I'm sure we'll be discussing Nee & Lee's..(mainly Lee's viewpoints/teachings vs others or finding a middle ground.
We just have to start a new thread on this same Apologetics forum..unless UntoHim finds a better fit.