Originally Posted by Shawn
I am more the exception than the rule, I started a concecrated life at about the summer of '86 with an Inndependent Baptist group using the Scofield reference Bible (mainly the Brethern teaching), which led me very easily into brother Lee's expounding of the Word, around the winter of '88.
Since then I have been a LC'er going through whatever storms arose; but insulated from the direct corruptions as described by many that happened in the churches from CA and TX, as my home is Pittsburgh, PA.
I guess I have always appreciated brother Lee's ministry (and still do), but have never lost the realization that it is just one of many ministries given by God to perfect us. My concept has never been brought into question by my brother and sisters in Pittsburgh and, as such, has allowed me to have a healthy pursuing of our Lord, without the "LSM only" trappings.
Thank you for your post Shawn. It was heartfelt.

I, like many of us here, consecrated ourselves to the Lord Jesus while in the LC...& to the church. The problem most of us realized after we declared our consecration to the church..was that we are pledging our allegiance solely to Lee's ministry...not really to building up the entire body of Christ whereever we meet..or 'don't meet'. Of course, my experience there was not as harsh as others. Others did not have good experiences at all..especially if they were raised by parents in the LC.
for me, as I've stated time & time again, I am very THANKful for having been saved in Christ Jesus through the LC ministry. It was my foundation in the Word and it was there I learned to fellowship & study the Word.
In MY opinion, had we just remained faithful to reading and studying the Word..without the emphasis of Brother Lee in everything, and without the puffed up attitude that the LC was better than poor, poor Chrisitianity..God could have used that ministry MIGHTILY.
Of course, Satan saw the threat to his career shortened and thus did everything to delay his judgment.
If more people would stop elevating men of God..or women of God and placing them on pedestals..God could use us all in a most Glorious Way..mightily..
Well...it is still in the works. God doesn't give up on us and we are not giving up on HIM! Praise the Lord.
He began a most excellent work in us, through our Salvation and the Blood of the Lamb, and by the anointing of the Holy Spirit on us, He will finish what He began.
Thank You Lord Jesus!