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Old 02-09-2009, 11:22 PM   #117
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 48
Default Re: ground of locality and generality

Frankly, UntoHim, I am alarmed at the hostile tone of your response. Am I your enemy? Have I done something to offend you? Honestly, I think that if some amount of profit is to come to either of us through our discourse together, a mutual respect and courtesy for one another should be laid as a foundation. Otherwise, neither of us will convince the other of their argument, or even so much as a single point.

Now, while, you may certainly have experienced a wide variety of "churches" over the past 15 years, I would trust that you have not experienced all of the estimated 40,000+ Christian denominations/ministries in the world. So your comment cannot speak to the general condition of the whole of Christendom. I would venture to guess that while your experience of Christendom has been quite rosy, others' experiences may not have been. The number of years you have experienced the wonderful, positive and all-inclusive messages of the ministries you explored over the past 15 years are no more or less valid than someone else who has been soured on messages from various Christian groups over the same course of time.

Besides, the law of entropy and the principal of apostasy present in the earth run against your argument. From 1959 to present, in general, things have gotten worse, not better, in Christendom. Just check the statistics concerning the number of confessed Christians in Western society that believe in a literal heaven/hell, and who read their Bibles regularly. I'd be happy to cite some of those if you like.

BTW: Actually what you deem to be a "big fat red herring," is only a minor aside from the main point I made above with regard to denominations. That would make your comment here a "red herring," unless you specifically address my argument.
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