Originally Posted by Evangelical
UntoHim was using John 17:3 to try and link the Trinity doctrine to eternal salvation. His implication is that if one does not believe in the "only true God" *and* Jesus Christ, then they are not saved. But they are both the one true God, so belief in one implies belief in the other. To believe in Christ is to believe in the only true God, the whole Triune God, in fact.
There is no where in the book of Acts where it says "believe in the true God and believe in Jesus Christ to be saved". This is because there is only one true God and to know the one true God faith in Christ alone is sufficient. Not faith in Christ plus the Trinity doctrine.
Yes. I know what he did. But the response was not to that, but do demand that we show how there are TWO "one true Gods." I showed you how Jesus could say to believe in the Father, who is the one true God, and to believe in him without the requirement that there be TWO one true Gods.
You and Drake are stuck on an incorrect definition of tritheism. The true definition is to worship or believe in three gods. But to believe in three persons that are one God is not believing in three gods. It is believing in One God.
So you ignore the fact that we believe in One God and declare that because we understand God to be in three persons (which can only imply three beings) that we are believing in three gods. But that is false. It is a lie.
It makes you guilty of equivocation — using a different definition without actually saying so.
One God in Three Persons is not three gods. Therefore no tritheism.
And because Drake is foolishly doing the same thing. I will say it again to him.