Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 02-17-2017, 03:53 PM   #197
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Default Re: Lee's Trinity

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Then we have a difference in definition. As I understand it (based on looking it up earlier), Tritheism is the belief in three gods. The mere presence of three separate beings who are One God does not constitute three gods, therefore does not constitute tritheism.

As I understand the term, you would appear to be misrepresenting the meaning of tritheism. Why?

Maybe for the purpose of driving wedges between the brethren? To give support to the shoddy faux theology of the man you so diligently follow?

Care to justify your definition of tritheism?
There are no boogeymen out to trip you up.

Okay, lets work on definitions, perhaps that will help us.

God is One Being. That is what He is.

God is Father, Son, and Spirit. That is who He is.

Tritheism conflates the two. It sees Father, Son, and Spirit and concludes there are three beings. That is an error and a heresy.

You also conflate the two and that us why I keep coming back to this.

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