Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 02-17-2017, 06:01 AM   #179
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Default Re: Lee's Trinity

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
You give lip service to the definition then gut it by declaring that they really are just each other, therefore not three. Just one. You won't say it, but it is effectively to say that they are one using masks to be the Father, Son, and Spirit at the appropriate times.

Not really three. You say you believe in three. But not really. You declare it for the camera, then deny it with the bulk of your rhetoric.
God is Triune. Three One. Really three. Really one. Not three masks. Not three modes.

The three (Father, Son, Spirit) are not three entities nor three beings. Period. They are Three Persons if by Persons you do not mean three beings. Earlier you said they were three beings or entities. They are not.

There is One God. Three Persons but One God.

If you agree with that then you and I agree on the definition of the Trinity. And if you hold that view you also agree with RC Sproul. And as distasteful as you will find this, you also will be in agreement with Witness Lee's view.

And that my colleague is where you will stumble and prefer to drive into the ditch of tritheism in a vain attempt to distance yourself from that "little sect".

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