Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 02-16-2017, 10:50 PM   #173
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: Lee's Trinity

Linking the Trinity dogma to salvation is an error in my view. The aspect of the Trinity dogma that is linked to our salvation is the doctrine regarding Christ's divine or human nature. That is, if we don't believe certain things about Christ, such as His divinity and humanity, then we do not know Him. However, this is quite different from saying we must believe the Trinity dogma in all respects. Once we start down that path then we keep adding to the "requirements", such as baptism in the Catholic church, and weekly church attendance etc. There is nothing in the bible about a Trinity dogma being essential to salvation. When new converts were made in the book of Acts, Peter simply said "Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household." I am sure the new converts had little concept of the Trinity dogma, particularly if they were just converted from Judaism. I am sure the apostle Paul at his conversion did not have any concept of the Trinity. He only had experienced the risen Christ.

Getting doctrines and dogmas from "the bible alone" is not how the Roman Catholic or Orthodox churches operate. That is not how the Council of Nicea etc operated. It was largely a socio-political process involving much debate. The Trinity has to be taught alongside the bible. Anyone who knows their church history knows it evolved from a process of heated debate over a long period of time. You make it sound as if one day a group of Christians got together and decided to develop a doctrine of the Trinity by studying their bibles. But the reality was far from this. There was a lot of conflict and two and fro between both sides, blood was shed, Christians were killing Christians.
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