Originally Posted by Overflow
I think its rather egotistical to say you were above the painful practices of this male chauvinist group/cult.
Oops...did I step out of all the guys comfort zone!??!
Not at all.
The patriarchal arrangement of the Local Church and most of Christianity in general is a topic that should definitely be explored. The "So, What About Woman?" threads are still here, I think. Try this one:
Originally Posted by YP0534
Women weren't even permitted speak on such topics for most of the last 2000 + years!
How can they be "silent in the church" and simultaneously the leaders of the heresies??? :rollingeyes2:
On a personal note, I was disciplined back when for treating the sisters like brothers by fellowshipping with them (in groups of 3 or more, not alone!) out of the presence of the "responsible ones" aka "brothers." Primarily, those conversations related to what I observed the Local Church doing with their own children and the Lord's stern warning about a millstone. I was more of a sounding board for their concerns than anything else, but that's another tale and it isn't really mine to tell.