Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 02-06-2009, 08:35 AM   #1273
Paul Cox
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Default Re: The LCS Factor

Originally Posted by Overflow View Post

Oops...did I step out of all the guys comfort zone!??!

I hope you don't think I am one of your enemies because I am a man. I love women (although I loathe "femenism") and I believe in equal everything for women. Let's not make this carry the tone of "all men are dopes."

I can't speak for others, but I was not begging Don to do anything, so I hope you can hold on to your breakfast. Everybody comes from the Local Church with a different perspective. I don't think Don has to show proof of counseling, or any such thing in order to just record his account of having been there. I've already learned a lot I didn't previously know about the system from reading his first two chapters. What he needs to do so far as his former membership as an elder in the Local Church, I will leave that to be between the Lord and him.

I can believe that a brother like Don could have gone through the system partially without having been totally distorted to the extent that some of the Texas Brothers were. Let's give honor where honor is due, and not paint everybody with a broad stroke.

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