Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 02-15-2017, 01:49 PM   #143
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Default Re: Lee's Trinity

Thanks Unto.

Just two paragraphs before the part you quoted comes this paragraph

The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are one God. First Peter 1:2 tells us that the Father is God; Hebrews 1:8 tells us that the Son is God; and Acts 5:3-4 tells us that the Spirit is God. If you read the Bible in a superficial way, you may believe that the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are three separate persons. But if you read even only the Gospel of John carefully, getting into the depth of the truth, you will see that the Son came in the Father’s name, He worked out the Father’s will, He worked the Father’s work with the Father and in the Father’s name, He spoke the Father’s word, and He sought the Father’s glory. If you touch the depth in the verses that cover these points, you will realize that the Son and the Father are one. You cannot separate them
Here is more of the typical Lee fantasizing. Let me paraphrase:

"Peter tells us the Father is God. Hebrews tells the Son is God. And Acts tells us the Spirit is God. . . . You will realize that the Son and the Father are one."

Genius. There is One God. How did we miss this???

Continuing: "You cannot separate them."

Really? While they are "one" they are also two. And they separated themselves very nicely, thank you. Jesus prays to the Father. He does the will of the Father. They look pretty separated to me.

Continuing with the beginning of the next paragraph. . . "Likewise, the Spirit is not separated from the Son. . . ."

A lot of talk after the three verses at the beginning of the first paragraph (that don't support the "they are one" theory) without a single verse. Just Lee's conjecture, or more like opinion, about what it must be despite nothing that supports his opinion. The only support found is that the Father, Son and Spirit are all God.

A few paragraphs later, he turns to John 4:24 "God is spirit." But he quotes it as "God is Spirit." John 4:24 does not comment on the whole of God being "the Spirit." Rather it comments on the nature of God as spirit. The fact of the nature does not cause all three to become one of them simply because that one has personified that word as his name. The Father is spirit, not The Spirit. The Son is spirit, but not The Spirit. The Spirit is spirit, and is also The Spirit (redundant?).

This is just a little of the scriptural mishandling performed by Lee in this one chapter of this one book. And it speaks volumes about the theological, logical, and spiritual incompetence of the man. He was never worthy of having any people following him to learn his understanding of the Bible. He didn't understand it. Or he was corrupt enough to bankrupt what he might know by turning out the pig food that this book provides. (And almost every other one I have taken the time to review)

The funny thing is that I do not have to go looking for places he goes wrong. Someone points to a quote or reference, or I simply start reading at a place and it is just there. I can't have just happened to have found the few really bad parts by bum luck. It has to be that full of garbage for the refuse of it to be found right where I start every time.

And every time that someone points to a particular place, I find it right there. Not pages later. Or somewhere else after exhausting the general vicinity where I started.

In this case, it is chapter 14 of The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity. Messages given over several months in 1983. A good part of them in Irving where I lived at the time. I probably was there for at least some of them.

And yes, I was a willing participant at the time. But I was awakened from the stupor. Got some true "spiritual oxygen" to clear my from the garlic fog that I has lost in while there.

But Lee says it just like Charlie Brown commiserating about losing at baseball ("How can we lose when we're so sincere?"). In this case, the statement is "So they just have to be one, unable to be separated."

Really? On what basis? How is it that the God that made everything can't do it in a different way than you imagine?

Just a chapter earlier, Lee asks "God were only God, how could He enter into us?" How? Because he is God. That he is instead Three does not deny him any capabilities or attributes. Just changes how he operates. God does not have to be Triune, or Trinity. But he is. Why do we accept that Lee's near incredulity at the idea that they could be separated has any bearing on the subject? Where is the evidence? He constantly tells that X means Y, but never identifies how that is so.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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