Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 02-14-2017, 06:14 AM   #116
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Default Re: Lee's Trinity

Originally Posted by Drake View Post

I learn from you but not in the same way as perhaps might be possible in a different setting. Mostly in this forum your characterizations do not match my experience. So we disagree a lot. And vice-versa I am sure. A forum is not conducive to have a conversation like we would face to face.

I'm just trying to get you to a place where you are willing to admit Lee did not contain all the crucial truth and light you need. Of course, that's a tough assignment, even in the best setting.

Did you know Benson Phillips once said there is "nothing" outside of the LCM, meaning in Christianity, that anyone needs? That's a quote. I personally heard him say it. And I heard him say that kind of thing more than once. He didn't mean that there was no good in Christianity, he just meant if you had what the LCM has to offer you didn't need any of it. That kind of talk is just stupefying and I hope you can appreciate how difficult it is to talk to a group of people who tend to believe that kind of thing.

Ask yourself, Drake. Why did Benson say things like that? Because it was true? No, he did it to marry people to Lee and Lee alone.

Do you really think that is the way God goes about things? Raising up an obscure teacher and bestowing to him exclusively all the truth his people need to the point they do not need the teaching of any other, to the point of emboldening associates of the leader to say stuff like Benson says?

That's how God does things? Really?

That's just kooky. That's the kind of thing weird groups like Objectivists (Ayn Rand) believe, or the Mormons (Joseph Smith), or the Church Universal Triumphant (Elizabeth Clare Prophet) which a relative of mine once belonged to. Kooks all.
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