Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 02-13-2017, 07:12 AM   #104
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Default Re: Lee's Trinity

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
I'm simply saying that the word "dispensing" could be used to suggest what goes on in a relationship--something of each person being sent to and received by the other. I do not really like the word "dispensing" because it sounds clinical and impersonal, which is exactly the opposite of what it is. It is very personal--it is one Person giving of himself to another in a complete way. It is the essence of a personal relationship--the pouring of oneself into another.

I'm also NOT suggesting that God is Triune primarily for relationship with (dispensing into) man, as Lee suggested. On the contrary, I'm saying that God is Triune primarily for relationship with (dispensing into) Himself. This is what I've been saying all along--that God experiences a relationship with himself, that is God experiences the Spirit with his Son.

Our blessing is he invites us into this relationship he has with himself. The Spirit has always been the experience of God within himself--that is the Spirit has always been the fellowship between the Father and the Son. Now we get to experience it too.
My comment is mainly for those who come here buried in the Leeology of the LRC and presume that it is all about dispensing. That dispensing is the purpose and goal of God's economy, and that dispensing is something that we need more of before we can "do" anything, especially the non-spiritual things like actually living the righteousness of God. There is too much wrapped into that in their minds. And that God is in relationship within the Trinity is seen as almost pointless since they are not separate, but are each other.

Maybe it is just that from my perspective, whatever positive you might find in the word "dispensing," it has been buried in something entirely different by Lee's theology and is therefore what is heard when you use the word.
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