Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 02-12-2017, 06:57 PM   #98
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Default Re: Lee's Trinity

The Trinity is a mystery in which there is room for our interpretation. It can be viewed from many sides and no side tells the whole story.

The Bible never says that believing properly about the Trinity is a requirement for salvation. However, it does seem that heretical beliefs about essentials and about the Trinity go hand in hand.

Personally I think the proper way to look at the Trinity is to ask, What does it tell us about God? And in so doing ask, What does it tell us about ourselves?

I think the Trinity tells us two basic things: That God is essentially a relational being and that diversity and unity go hand in hand. LCMers think in terms of "dispensing," but really since God is a conscious being, we experience his dispensing in personal relationship with him. There is no such thing as an impersonal experience of God's dispensing. To be saturated with God is simply to be in very close personal relationship with him.

So in one sense the LCM is correct, the Trinity is for dispensing. But it is more accurate to say that the Trinity is for relationship.
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