Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 02-10-2017, 02:55 PM   #79
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Default Re: Lee's Trinity

OBW) "And what exactly is "instrinsisc"?"

Intrinsic is just the essential nature of a thing.

OBW) I am using the John verse here — there is no mention of in us"

21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

OBW) "the manner in which Jesus spoke of his relationship with the Father would seem to infer more nearly two (and ultimately three) that have an everlasting unity rather than one that has some sense in which there are three" "How three could be truly one is not rational. It is a mystery."

The descriptors three in unison and one that are three is a imprecise definition of "Triune" because it is, as you say, a mystery and we all grapple with it.

OBW) "We give the oneness funny terms like essence, hypostatic union, intrinsic. But these words do not define how it works. They are placeholders for what we cannot understand. But you, and Lee before you, and a few others before that, have tried to take some natural understanding of these terms and force it to define the unity of God. I will admit that there is a chance that it could actually be right. But there is nothing that makes it simply so. And nothing that supports that as more than conjecture."

These are terms that have been used for hundreds of years... sometimes thousands. They are not Bro Lee's or Evangelicals, or mine. In trying to describe something as grand and mysterious as God the human language is inadequate but that is no excuse for not trying to understand and describe what is revealed in the Holy Scriptures."

OBW)" Could you say that the Father had a sense of the pain and suffering of Christ on the cross. Plausibly so."

I don't know about that one if you mean physical pain. I think not.

OBW, you do not appear to make a distinction concerning the Lord's humanity on this topic. As I read all your notes this seems to be missing. Jesus got His humanity from Mary. That humanity was subject to all the same temptations and weaknesses as ours. The divine life is indestructible and so God could not die unless as a man. It is okay to say that God died on the cross. He did.

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