Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 02-10-2017, 06:13 AM   #66
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Default Re: Lee's Trinity

InChristAlone) "I wonder who gave you the guarantee of your personal salvation. How do you know the Lord's judgement on you?"


The guarantee of our eternal salvation is based on the redemption of Christ Who already paid the price on the cross. When we believe into Him we are joined to Him in His death .The payment being made in full by Christ is our assurance of salvation. As pertains to our eternal state, our eternal salvation our faith in His redemptive work settled the problem of sin and separation from God once and for all.. As we were joined to Him in death so also in His resurrection . God' accepts us because He accepts Christ. Therefore, God gave us the guarantee of our personal salvation based on His work and our faith in it, not on our works.

There is a salvation related to our daily living and entrance into the kingdom as a reward to the believers who are faithful in this life. Several verses you cited such as Philippians are related to this working out of our daily salvation. Not all believers will recieve the reward of the kingdom. Nevertheless, this does not negate our eternal salvation. Conflating the two will lead to confusion about salvation in the Bible..

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