Originally Posted by Drake
I also think you are just repeating standard accusations about the so-called "modalism" of Witness Lee without explaining what the man actually and fully taught.
Drake, thank you for your kind reply.
I think you know the infamous quotes of WL:
Although He is one God, yet there is the matter of three-foldness, that is, the threefold Person--the Father, the Son, and Spirit.
He (the Father) is the One hidden within, the Son is the One manifested without; yet the One who is manifested without is the One who is hidden within--the two are just one!
Thank the Lord, He also has two ends: at the end in heaven He is the Father, and at the end on the earth He is the Son; at the end in heaven He is the One who listens to the prayer, and at the end on earth He is the One who prays. He is both the One who prays on earth and the One who listens in heaven.
The Son who prays is the Father who listens.
Therefore the Bible clearly reveals to us that the Son is the Father, and the Son is also the Spirit. Otherwise, how could these three be one God?
The Son is the Father, and the Son is also the Spirit.
. . . The Lord Jesus is the Holy Spirit . . .
It's possible to explain them but I am afraid that the explanation will be similar to this:
Originally Posted by Evangelical
The Father killed Christ - the Father sent His Son to die, it was a purposeful act
The Son killed Himself - he offered up his own life willingly, always knowing he would die on the cross
The Spirit killed Christ - by the Spirit taking the breath of life from Him. The Spirit of God could have miraculously sustained Christ on the cross for as long as He wanted.
Is it just a wordplay or something else? Lord, have mercy on us!
Originally Posted by Drake
I too am puzzled by your Muslim comment. If you mean that a Muslim repents and accepts Christ then of course one can be saved. If you mean that a Muslim might be saved though rejecting Christ well I hope you mean to say an emphatic no.
I hope I replied your question below. Please don't hesitate to ask me if I left something unclear. English is not my native language. So, I am always struggling to articulate. (But I am very good at copy-and-pasting.

God bless.