Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 02-09-2017, 04:10 PM   #56
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: Lee's Trinity

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
I did not say that Muslims are saved because they ostensibly follow-on to the God of Abraham. And neither did you.

But you said (and resaid) that "Muslims cannot be saved." By what means are Muslims refused the right to believe in Christ and be saved? That is the only way that they "cannot be saved." I did not say that they are saved. I did not say that they will eventually be saved because of some after-the-end-of-times end of "forever." I only said that that they CAN be saved while you said they CANNOT.

I declare that you are wrong.

Care to back down now?

- - - -

If English is your second or third language, I can accept the error of grammar and you can write this off as too much complaining about a typo. But if it is your primary language, I suggest you read and think about the implications of what you post before you hit "Submit."

Either way, If you want to be taken seriously, then be sure you are at least up to the task of being serious. I gave you two chances to read your post and reconsider but you just came back without any thought. If English is not your first language, when you get a response that you do not expect, it is always worthwhile to reread what you posted and see if you really said what you think you did.

Of course we all tend to see what we want to see. So we all get into this kind of problem at times. But rather than just digging in your heels, restate whatever it is that appears to be misunderstood. You might find that the second time you actually say something different than the first time and the crisis is averted.

(Man's thinking: The foot is down! Disaster Averted!
Wife silent response: Well that was a disaster.)
My statement that "Muslims cannot be saved" was in reply to this post by InChristAlone #43:

Can a Muslim be saved? I don't know. It is for God to decide.

The context is clearly Muslims who have not accepted Christ (which would make them Christians, wouldn't it?).

The context was Muslims, period, not Muslims who have converted to Christ. InChristAlone did not say , "can a Muslim who has accepted Christ be saved"?. The answer to that is yes, of course. That's a no brainer.

If you want to be taken seriously, please don't jump into something without first understanding the context of the discussion, but your 3 paragraphs about English not being my first language are hilarious given you missed the discussion's context.
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