Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 02-09-2017, 06:29 AM   #36
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Default Re: Lee's Trinity

OBW) "Now you are relying on human terms added to the extra-scriptural definition of the Trinity to make it so iron-clad that it cannot wiggle from your definition."

Why of course OBW we use human terms because how else do we communicate or how else could we advance our understanding of the Trinity? "Trinity" itself is an extra biblical term and a definition or formula is not stated in Scripture explicitly. Based on activities and statements made in the Bible we understand God in Triune terms. Very thoughtful and intelligent people have been grappling with this topic for almost 1700 years. And apparently still do.

But you have over complicated the question. I really wanted to understand how you , OBW, explain, in whatever terms you prefer, how only the Son died on the cross though co-existing, co-inhering, and being co-equal in divine Trinity from eternity past to eternity future.

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