Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 02-05-2009, 04:10 PM   #1253
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Default Re: The LCS Factor

Originally Posted by djohnson View Post
Far from taking potshots as you'll recall I started this thread and I find it quite interesting that it is the most popular thread in this entire forum. Quite a telling point don't you think?
I will respond to this one point because I have considered the same fact, but from a different view.

This thread has been a place to whip whoever certain persons wanted to whip. The rancor got so bad that several people dropped out of the forum altogether. At this point, the only thing I see happening is a request for Don to concur in the details or the events that BlessD and JulieP have presented. Whether those details are absolutely 100 percent accurate or were mired in the trauma of what actually happened, never to be clearly remembered again, I presume that something happened that was effectively what they described. I actually think that Don does as well.

But if you tell me I must agree that the details are correct, that is impossible because I do not know the details. I may be able to say that I have no reason to doubt them. I may be able to say that while some details seem unlikely for some reason, I have no reason to doubt the overall story. But if I say that the details are correct, I would be lying because I have no factual basis for that statement. I would be that witness in the trial that was spoon-fed a testimony of facts to which I could not actually say that I observed with my own eyes. It’s called perjury.

This thread has caused most of the people to back away. Notice that there is almost no activity in any other thread. And the activity in this thread is only from a few and only a few total posts a day. This thread is almost dead, and the rest of the forum is a ghost town. And every time it seems to get too light, certain ones (often the outsider, you) come back with some inflammatory line that gets people back in the fight.

And to top it off, this thread had languished for over a month until Ohio and I came here to make some apologies ─ not to get the thread started again, but to clear the air with respect to what had gone on. Maybe we needed to do a better job. It seems that a few started to refocus and clear their heads, then a new ruckus was created. And as it started up, everyone else just backed away.

Why is it that the ex-LC is fighting itself so strongly here? I suggest that the topic of the thread was too subject to manipulation. And there is much pushing by someone who is not actually an ex-LCer, or a current LCer, but someone with nothing to do but poke around at things that he gets second hand. There are/were some that had an agenda and would challenge anyone who disagreed to a duel. I cannot confirm this, but I have suspicions that BlessD and JulieP may have been pushed into their participation. I cast no dispersions at them for it. If it is not true, then it is not true. If it is true, then someone may have wanted the fight that erupted, or at least were trying to make a point that the stories did not make. That seemed fairly clear the first time BlessD came with her story. She simply told the story. But others made it into something more. There was an agenda. It was all but admitted at one point. I’m truly sorry for the hurt they endured because of this agenda. It was not their fault and it shouldn’t have happened.

I just may refuse to do more than lurk with respect to this thread. Anyone else think that is a good idea? This is destroying the discussions. I note that hashing it out with Albert on the other forum is getting much more fun.
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