Originally Posted by djohnson
Let it be known that I was never an "elder" in training or otherwise in any church I have ever attended. Instead of embarrassing himself further Ohio better do some more homework if he wants to have any level of gravitas at all.
I guess I am now clear why djohnson thinks so poorly of me. I never was an "elder in training." In my day you just were what you were. I can see why he is so critical. We non Witness Lee trained elders just couldn't cut it. I did hear about some kind of elders in waiting training going on in Anaheim. I did attend many of the regular "study a book in the Bible" trainings and attended just about all of the elders/co-worker meetings. But I guess I just never got in on the real stuff. Dear brother Dan Towle let me know that more than once. (And he was my good friend.) I never got to sit under WL once a week for the real perfecting. I heard it was pretty rough. Maybe that is why ole djohnson acts the way he does. I can’t blame you man.
When I visited the So. California churches, there were plenty of snide innuendos about how inferior the non So. California elders were especially because they had never been trained by WL to be a proper elder. Whatever that meant. I often heard remarks about the Ohio bunch which implied their being just a notch above worthless. I just knew I had heard the tone of djohnson before. Now it all adds up.
Hope, Don Rutledge
PS At some point I will cover the competition among the elders and co-workers. There was an appearance that they were all together but the reality was that there were many hard attitudes among them and some very radical differences. I will get to it. I cannot help but laugh when I read about all the elders were the same. When I hear that I know the person was very limited in scope as to their experience. Why do you think the LSM needed a good purging every few years? For example, I believe it is CMW who refers to her time in San Diego and keeps pointing out that the elders there were different. She gets after me when I mention Max. I heard many good things about Max and Sandy in San Diego and had good times in their home in Anaheim but he was different once he got hooked up as WL’s right hand man and practical administrator. I suppose he got the training. Too bad.
PSS Notice that now djohnson confirms he was at least in attendance in more than one church. Now djohnson don’t say you meant any church but not a local church. (Did you see that cat scurry across the page.)