Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 02-04-2017, 06:22 AM   #9
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Default Re: Lee's Trinity

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
I don't claim to understand 'oneness' but one thing I do know is that the LC has got it all wrong.
Many Christians think the doctrine of the Trinity doesn't matter. But what's interesting is that many aberrant groups tend to have aberrant views of the Trinity. That doesn't prove anything but it might suggest that our view of the dynamic between the one and the many in the Trinity informs our view of the same dynamic among people.

Lee stressed the essential oneness of the Trinity, so it's probably no coincidence that is what he stressed in the Church. Lee had no interest in diversity. He wasn't always that extreme. But as he got older he more and more insisted on uniformity. In his view if we were all like Christ we should more or less be identical. And he believed local churches should be identical. But that stands in stark contrast to God's expression in creation. Look at the many different ways God manifests himself in thousand and thousands of different types of creatures and plants. But Lee thought when it came to people we should all strive to be the same, even down to the same white shirts, dark pants and black shoes.

Again this is evidence of his abusive, over-controlling approach.

To me the Trinity shows two main things: One, life is about relationships. Two, unity does not trump diversity, nor vice versa. Both should co-exist equally.
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