Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 02-02-2009, 04:41 PM   #1237
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Durham, North Carolina
Posts: 313
Default Re: The LCS Factor

Originally Posted by blessD View Post
Don, I appreciate the words of apology you have written, but do you really get it. I mean, really get it. You wrote in a post to Overflow, “I do regret needing to speak so plainly and bluntly.” The immediate result after reading that entire post was as if I had been slapped, followed by memories of LC authority practices, and then anger.

One of the things I tell my children is talk straight to me. I have encouraged them to never fear telling me if anything I do or any way I think is in need of revision from their viewpoint. It also goes the other way, so I can be honest with them in the same respects. ... Mind you, this was in an atmosphere of unconditional love. Sometimes the words were hard to hear, but an immediate “look into the mirror” and I could see they were right. Wonderful healing and growth has come from this.

... It is not an easy thing to be honest in love, not judgmental, condemning, shaming, or degrading. Until this practice of straight talk can be done in total support and love, it is better to refrain from such bluntness to prevent becoming a stumbling block or offense. How much more in the spiritual family than in our physical family! ...

I accept your apology and at the same time admonish you to work on the practice of love first, before (or most times, instead of) straight talk. Building up in love is much more important. ...
Dear Sister BlessD, and also JulieP,

Regarding the issue of straight talk: The post #1191 which I wrote had a paragraph at the end that caused the disturbance. It was definitely too straight. I posted it from work during lunch and left immediately for a prior engagement. I immediately felt that I should delete the paragraph in question but I was not able to act for about five hours. When I was next at a computer, I called up the forum but alas it was too late. I am taking your admonition very seriously. Love builds up.

Hope, Don Rutledge
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