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Old 01-27-2017, 12:52 PM   #23
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Default Re: Grace Terrace Memorial Association

Originally Posted by Koinonia View Post
Genesis 23 is a window through which we can see the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is not found in this chapter, but it can be seen through it. This chapter is like a telescope: through it we can see the eternal tabernacle that is far off in the future.

Verse 6 speaks of the “choice” sepulcher, referring to the best sepulcher. When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He did not have a good dwelling place. But after He died, He was put into a very good burying place. He lived in a poor home, but He was buried in a rich tomb. In the Bible, this is a principle. We should not live in a good home, but we should prepare the best tomb. Abraham paid more attention to the sepulcher than to the tent.

As God’s called ones, we should not expect to have a happy life here on earth. We must follow the steps of Abraham looking for a better country, for a city with foundations. Our temporary life on earth is the life of a traveler. Due to this, Abraham paid little attention to his dwelling place and simply erected a tent. He was a sojourner, a stranger, who was looking for a permanent dwelling place. (Life-study of Genesis, ch. 59)
This is soooo strange. For a group that claims to be all about fulfilling God's purpose and nothing else, what could paying such elaborate attention to burial arrangements have to with that? Jesus said "Let the dead bury the dead." This is more like ancient Egyptian religion that Christian beliefs. What's next, to have your name written in the LCM Book of the Dead?

Clearly it is a money-making scheme, and quoting the Bible and Lee to cajole LCMers into falling for it is shameless exploitation.

Then there is the snob appeal of the thing, as if they should be too good to be buried around the people they were too good to be around when they were alive. It's one thing to be an elitist when you are alive, but to carry it on after death!

This would have seemed so strange to the early LCMers in the 60s and 70s. They would have laughed out loud at the idea. Now it's the "new normal."
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