Originally Posted by blessD
Fyi… The Perfecting Training was a video-taped event just like other trainings, but it occurred once a week. There were chairs (or a chair) that sat beside the big desk also facing the camera. A selected brother (I think mostly elders were picked) was brought up to sit in the chair beside WL. WL would then begin to point out the brother’s various weaknesses in an attempt to “perfect” the brother, thus the title of the training. Here in OKC, we would go watch this like any other training meeting. I remember sitting in them thinking this was so weird. And, not only weird, but sick. I thought “who does this man think he is, God?” It was the ultimate in public humiliation from my viewpoint.
I would like to hear from any others on the forum who remember this and please correct me if I did not describe it exactly as it happened.
What year or years did these training sessions take place? What you have described in an exercise in abuse. Most brothers and sisters I knew in the local church wouldn't be so willing to subject themselves to a display of public humiliation. If we are to be perfected, only the Lord can do it and not through man.