Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 01-31-2009, 03:53 AM   #1212
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Default Re: The LCS Factor

Originally Posted by blessD View Post
Several others have posted that no one implied "it was rampant". I just want to clarify that I never said "it was rampant". I am not on a side, except the side of truth. I never said, or insinuated "it was rampant". We were an extreme group in many ways (I use the past tense, since I am no longer there). Extremes of any kind have very bad side effects. For anyone that happened to stand strong and strike a balance in the midst of extremes, more power to ya'!
OK, blessD, thank you. I stand corrected.

As a further word. I do encourage you and others to speak out. Some have encouraged me to do likewise. I personally spent nearly 30 years "in denial" about the program. But ... it was the many stories like yours, that forced me to reconsider everything. We all were affected by the abusive ways that were patterned from the top down. "Bullies reproduce bullies" even among the kindest of people, and this is the very reason so many like us have left. Sure we picked up some bad habits along the way, but ... stories like yours can really serve to challenge the rest of us.
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