Re: OBW's Blog
The recent participation by at least two current LRC members has made it more clear that this forum cannot go away, but at the same time, that the blindness of so many in the LRC is great.
The tales and teachings of Lee are taken as fact. Scripture is presumed to mean what Lee said it meant. It is irrelevant that you would never come to that conclusion without being pushed there by someone claiming special knowledge (and that would be Lee).
Saying something means a particular thing is just accepted without a thought.
Declaring that a church with a name is an abomination is accepted as scripturally sound fact.
Claiming to be the home of oneness while singing "Overcome, Overcome, Overcome degraded Christianity!!" is never seen as an oxymoron.
Using a metaphor to prove a position is not seen as a form of begging the question.
I have a hard time not simply coming unglued at the fact that they simply say something "is" because that is how they read it. Not that the words actually say, but that they had decided to infer into what is said and insist that their inference is simply what was meant. No room for discussion or disagreement.
Disagreement means "degraded Christianity!!" With dogma like that, it is no wonder they don't ever address the reasons to dismiss their positions. They just restate them. And bring up metaphors and stories as if something made up that is unrelated to the issue at hand is the reason that they are right.
Someone once referred to this kind of thinking as illogic in the service of attempts at reason. (It cannot be in the service of reason because reason rejects illogic.)
I know that someone will trot out the "foolishness to those who don't believe" line, or something like it. But that statement was not suggesting that what the scripture actually says can be set aside and manhandled into something that doesn't resemble what it says because foolishness is OK. It simply says that what the scripture does say (not what it doesn't say) may not be reasonable to those who do not believe. But it is not claimed to mean something other than what it says.
Except by Lee and the LRC. And probably a few other strange sects.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel