Originally Posted by OBW
All that stuff that Lee came up with concerning the tabernacle and its "truth" about the church was not from the Bible. It may not have all been original with him or Nee, but it was still conjecture with no solid grounding. (Funny for someone whose primary claim to fame was "ground.")
We'ld get a message based on the Bible and logic. "This shows that" and "this means that." And it would be in the imperative: "We all must see that...", and bracketed with negation: "Not many Christians know that..."
But it was the Bible selected narrowly, captive to a narrow point. And logic used selectively, handmaiden to an argument. Other verses, other logic, other possible readings were ignored. The end result was to paint Lee and his listeners into a proverbial corner. At that point one's only choice was to walk up to the microphone and testify that Lee's logic was impeccable and there couldn't possibly be any other understanding. In all my years I never once saw someone go up to the mic and disagree.
Local church apologists tell us they are broad-minded and receive all, but the very manner of his teachings, esoteric and not common to the faith, presented on absolutist's terms, ensured that the ground was the ministry teaching.